Why Did God Send Satan to Earth… and Not Neptune?

Over the past month I’ve written several blogs centering on the tough question: Why Didn’t God Destroy Satan? (Click HERE for Part 1). In this blog I wanted to focus on a related question. It comes from the same passage we’ve visited several times in this series:

Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down — that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. (Revelation 12:7-9)

That passage describes the beginning of spiritual warfare. And while there are many fascinating details in it, there is one that is easy to overlook. It’s found in the last sentence: He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. When Satan lost the battle, he was kicked out of heaven and God exiled him to our planet.

Why did God hurl Satan and his demons to earth instead of exiling them to a planet like Neptune, far way from the garden of Eden and Adam and Eve. Or better yet, why didn’t God just send Satan and the demons directly to hell?

After all, if God followed either of those paths, I can imagine things on earth would have gone a lot better over the past several thousand years. No Satan around to tempt anyone to sin. No demons afflicting anyone with sickness and disease. No stealing. No killing. No destroying (see John 10:10).

So why didn’t God do it that way?

A tough question, isn’t it? 🙂

Here are my thoughts (which are once again inspired by the book Servant God). It comes down to the “key thought” I originally shared in Part 2 of this series:

Key Thought: The battlefield in the spiritual war isn’t primarily fought over a plot of land — whether it’s a plot in heaven or in our bodies. The primary battlefield is our minds. And the battle is about the goodness of God: “The central question in the cosmic conflict revolves around the trustworthiness of God’s character. This war over God’s character is the real ‘Mother of all Wars.’” (Servant God, p.31)

And it’s because of this — because the war is ultimately over God’s character — that God didn’t simply exile Satan to Neptune or send him directly to hell the moment he rebelled.

Because if God went that route, it could have been seen as proof to the rest of the angelic realm that Satan was right. That God was a power-hungry dictator who would silence the opposition. That God would eliminate anyone that would ever dare question Him. That the freedom God supposedly gave was a farce. That He was ultimately a puppet-master who allowed you to move and think freely… until you used your freedom in the wrong way… and then he’d quickly pull your strings.

And the rebellion would have deepened. Instead of just 1/3 of the angels falling to the Kingdom of Darkness, it very well may have led to all of them defecting, choosing to hate and fight against God instead of loving and serving Him.

So God exiled Satan to earth. He gave Satan his stage. So that God could show all of creation (first the angels and then humanity) that He truly is good and the devil is not. That He can be trusted while the devil is a liar. That God is love while the devil is all things opposed to love. And just how did God make these things known? In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets many times and in many different ways. But now in these last days God has spoken to us through his Son . . . The Son reflects the glory of God and shows exactly what God is like (Hebrews 1:1-2,3). Jesus shows us exactly what God is like — His heart and His character — a God who is good. A God who can be trusted.

Think about it.

***”But What About… When People Aren’t Healed?” I am passionate to preach on this tough question as it’s often ignored in the healing-prayer movement. Please join us on April 6th at 10:30am at The Eastside Vineyard Church. More info at tevchurch.org***


About Dan Kopp

In 2010 Dan and Kellie felt the call by God to plant a church. They would love for you to not just "go to church" on a Sunday morning but to encounter God! Please join us at The Mission on Sundays at either 9:15am or 11:00am at 52767 Shelby Rd. in Shelby Township.
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4 Responses to Why Did God Send Satan to Earth… and Not Neptune?

  1. This is soooo good Dan, makes so much sense and helps put perspective on why there is good and evil… not just all good in this world. God is not a puppet master! Free will is truly free! We must CHOOSE to trust God; He does not “decide ahead of time” who is predestined to eternal life in heaven or hell. This world does show the sharp contrast of God’s love and Satan’s lying ways- seeking to destroy us. Truly spiritual warfare. Thank you so much for you excellent teaching- doing God’s will on earth!

    • ncduhalde says:

      Hi Jim! I don’t know you, but believe I’m your sister in The Lord! 🙂 I liked your reply, and it raised a point I still have a hard time getting my little head around. You’re right- our God is not a puppet master and free will is just that. Even when we accept Christ into our hearts as born-again believers, we still have the choice to walk in His Spirit or in our flesh. Yet I read in Scripture that God predestined us before the creation of the world to be His children. Still, we must CHOOSE Him to become His child! This blows my mind! Honestly, I am ill-equipped for a full-blown predestination discussion!, but would love to hear your thoughts on this,…and of course Dan’s- which may already be in a previous blog on the topic; maybe I’ll take a peek. “Chosen ahead” verses below…also Eph 1:11, Rev 21:27. God bless you!! Nancy

      “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.”
      – Rom 8:28-30

  2. Season says:

    Thank you for this! I have had questions surrounding why evil exists on Earth, knowing God is powerful to eradicate it. This post answered some of my questions and solidified some of my own interpretations. Thank you.

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