We would like to thank MEPs Philippe Lamberts, Michèle Rivasi and Klaus Buchner of the Greens/EFA for this remarkable event organised on 1 October 2019 at the European Parliament. This allowed our President to launch an alert to the European authorities asking them to take all appropriate measures to protect mobile phone users from the health and industrial risks associated with the international Phonegate scandal, particularly at the time of the announced launch of 5G.

The presentation made by Dr Marc Arazi demonstrated, with supporting evidence, that it was no longer possible to trust the mobile phone manufacturers, who knowingly overexposed us to the waves of our mobile phones, well beyond the limits of the risks to our health.

5G Health Risks and Precautionary Principle Rev.1

Some pictures of the event at the European Parliament

We will meet Professor Martin Pall on Thursday at the scientific conference to be held from 3 to 6 October in Mainz, Germany. And we thank journalist Maurizio Martucci, spokesman of the Italian Stop5G Alliance, founder of the European Stop5G Alliance, for his invitation to attend a Press Conference in Rome on 5 November next within the Italian Parliament.