Verena Sukowski’s Post

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Passionate Organic Chemist with a Dedication to Project Development and a Strong Work Ethic

📢 Check out my #RSCPoster#RSCCat #RSCOrg   Non-directed Pd-catalyzed C−H functionalization has emerged in the last couple of years as a valuable tool for the directed functionalization of arenes. Ligand development has played a pivotal role in achieving these milestones. In our group, the Fernández Ibáñez Research Group, we have found that bidentate S,O-ligands are valuable tools for accelerating the C−H activation step. Typically, the most electronically or sterically accessible position is functionalized. However, a norbornene mediator can alter the selectivity to the complementary site, a phenomenon known as the Catellani-type reaction (see ⬆ left part and the catalytic cycle in the center of the poster). In this work, we have developed a methodology to arylate the meta position of anilines. Fine-tuning of the catalyst system through different ligands and norbornene mediators was necessary to achieve a broad substrate scope ( ⬆and ⬇ right sides of the poster). Mechanistic studies revealed that both the norbornene mediator and the substituent on the aniline influence the meta-C−H activation (⬇ left side of the poster). 🤔 Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss the work! 📄 The publication of this work:

Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed reading about your work.

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