The 8th international symposium of the Finnish Oral History Network (FOHN)

The 8th international symposium of the Finnish Oral History Network (FOHN) will focus on the notions of afterwardness, time, place, and (dis)connections in oral history and life story research from critical contemporary perspectives: What happens after research collaboration? How are bodily experiences, senses, and emotions carried beyond the moment(s) of research encounter? What are the possibilities of collaboration beyond the traditional boundaries and practices of academia? What is the role of research in the aftermath of crises? Can oral history and life storying offer opportunities to imagine new futures? We invite contributions focusing on methodological and ethical questions, as well as on case studies. Proposals may be submitted for individual papers or panels.

Dates and venue

The conference will be held in Helsinki as an in-person event on December 1–2, 2022. For further information and abstract submission, please see Call for Papers.

Confirmed keynote speakers

  • Stacey Zembrzycki (Dawson College)
  • Andrew Irving (University of Manchester)
  • Essi Jouhki (University of Jyväskylä)


  • The Finnish Oral History Network (FOHN)
  • University of Helsinki project “Transnational Memory Cultures of Ingrian Finns” (PI: Ulla Savolainen)
  • In collaboration with the Finnish Literature Society (SKS), the Finnish Cultural Foundation and Migration Institute of Finland

Contact conference organizing team: