A Personalised Medicine Approach for Alzheimer’s Disease (ABOARD)

A future with personalised diagnosis, prediction and prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease.

ABOARD envisions a future with personalised prevention of AD dementia encompassing tailored combinations of lifestyle and disease modifying interventions.

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is among this century’s major healthcare challenges. It gradually robs individuals of their cognitive capabilities, with dementia as its final stage. There is no curative treatment for AD yet. Care targets the dementia stages, often with compromised quality of life. This implies that the key to stop AD lies in the pre-dementia stages, realising that one size does not fit all. Most importantly, the patient needs to be at the steering wheel. To achieve this, we need all ABOARD.

ABOARD envisions a future with individualised prevention encompassing tailored combinations of lifestyle and disease modifying interventions. The mission is realised by a strong multi-sectoral and multidisciplinary consortium, with 32 partners spanning the entire translational value chain. The project is executed in five interconnected work packages: ABOARD (i) improves timely and molecular diagnosis, including clinical evaluation of blood-based biomarkers and polygenic risk scores, (ii) develops individualised risk predictions that use patient reported outcomes and translates this to the national level, (iii) pilots primary prevention strategies and prepares for secondary prevention strategies, (iv) engages elderly (at risk of) AD throughout all aspects of their health and disease management, and (v) develops and implements recommendations and (e)-health tools to support patients/care partners and professionals.

At the close of the project, ABOARD has paved the way for a personalised medicine approach for AD. Patients and care partners are empowered and more actively engaged in the management of their health and disease, and strategies for diagnosis, prediction and prevention of AD have improved.

For the latest ABOARD information, keep an eye on the news page.

More information can be found on the website: www.aboard-project.nl.

Mission of PPP

De missie van ABOARD is om Personalised Medicine voor de ziekte van Alzheimer een vliegende start te geven door voorbereidingen te treffen voor en te investeren in effectieve, efficiënte en patiëntgeoriënteerde diagnose, voorspelling en preventie.

Logos of partners
Illustrative image