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Welcome to "Where is Srulik"!

When you find Srulik, go over him with your mouse

Who is Srulik?

Srulik is a cartoon character symbolizing Israel. The character was created in 1956 by the Israeli cartoonist Kariel Gardosh, known by his pen name Dosh. Srulik is generally depicted as a young man wearing a tembel hat, Biblical sandals, and khaki shorts. Srulik is a pioneering Zionist, a lover of the land of Israel and its soil, a dedicated farmer who in time of need puts on a uniform and goes out to defend the state of Israel.

In every picture (that was taken in Israel) you will need to find Srulik who is hiding somewhere in the picture.

Good Job!

You found me!

Shalom (Hello) there!

You are awesome! that was a hard one!

It was hard to climb up here

Remember, this is Israel

Are you coming for a swim?

Good Job!

Did you know? Eilat is the southernmost city in Israel

What a beautiful country Israel is

How you doing?

You found me!

You are the best! Great job!

Toda Raba!



adi shalev shlicha

Cradit: Lee Kestecher Solomon & Ariel Solomon