
The Legal Philosophy Workshop (LPW) is an annual conference designed to foster reflection on the nature of law and the philosophical issues underlying its different areas. Our aim is to promote work that connects legal philosophy with other branches of philosophy (e.g. moral and political philosophy, metaphysics, philosophy of language, epistemology, or philosophy of action) and to create a venue for the critical examination of different viewpoints about law.

The LPW is an annual, read-ahead, event, hosted in venues alternating between North America and Europe. Previous workshops have been hosted by Trinity College Dublin the University of Pennsylvania, University of Edinburgh, Queens University, University College London, Rutgers University, University of Surrey, and the University of Southern California. 

LPW 2024 will be hosted on June 13-14 by the University of Michigan.

If you would like to be on our mailing list or host a future LPW, please contact us and save our email address so that our emails arrive in your inbox.