200 episodes

For some, watching paint dry, or a poke in the eye is better than dealing with their business numbers. I get it, numbers can be scary, confusing, and boring, not what your business is meant to be about.

But here’s the thing. If you’re serious about your business, you need to grab hold of your numbers, and connect with them. Falling in love with them may feel weird, but at least be on friendly terms with them if you want your business to survive and thrive.

Numbers make you accountable, showing you the financial impact of your successes, a route map to success and highlighting those flip-ups. Above all, learning to love & use your numbers means you have a better chance of making money, what’s not to love.

Fundamentally business is there to make money. You need to make money to survive and have impact. It’s about knowing how your future is going to pan out.

As a business finance coach, financial story teller and tax advisor, I've helped thousands of businesses over the years.

I love numbers, but I get it that not many businesses will do so. I want to share my love of numbers through my podcast, to make it accessible, to help you and your business power forward.

My aim is to make this podcast listener friendly, jargon and BS free.

In the words of W.E.B. Dubois “When you have mastered numbers, you will in fact no longer be reading numbers, any more than you read words when reading books. You will be reading meanings.”

This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy

I Hate Numbers I Hate Numbers

    • Business

For some, watching paint dry, or a poke in the eye is better than dealing with their business numbers. I get it, numbers can be scary, confusing, and boring, not what your business is meant to be about.

But here’s the thing. If you’re serious about your business, you need to grab hold of your numbers, and connect with them. Falling in love with them may feel weird, but at least be on friendly terms with them if you want your business to survive and thrive.

Numbers make you accountable, showing you the financial impact of your successes, a route map to success and highlighting those flip-ups. Above all, learning to love & use your numbers means you have a better chance of making money, what’s not to love.

Fundamentally business is there to make money. You need to make money to survive and have impact. It’s about knowing how your future is going to pan out.

As a business finance coach, financial story teller and tax advisor, I've helped thousands of businesses over the years.

I love numbers, but I get it that not many businesses will do so. I want to share my love of numbers through my podcast, to make it accessible, to help you and your business power forward.

My aim is to make this podcast listener friendly, jargon and BS free.

In the words of W.E.B. Dubois “When you have mastered numbers, you will in fact no longer be reading numbers, any more than you read words when reading books. You will be reading meanings.”

This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy

    Benefits of Cloud accounting for Your Business

    Benefits of Cloud accounting for Your Business

    In our pursuit of simplifying clients' lives and alleviating stress, the "I Hate Numbers" podcast delves into the benefits of cloud accounting this week.
    Time Saving BenefitsTransitioning to cloud accounting not only saves time but also streamlines financial processes, boosting productivity significantly. Additionally, it automates tasks, reducing manual labour and freeing up resources for core business activities. Consequently, businesses can focus more on strategic initiatives rather than mundane administrative tasks.
    Visibility into FinancesCloud accounting offers real-time insights into finances, facilitating informed decision-making and enhancing business agility. Moreover, it fosters transparency, providing a clear understanding of cash flow and financial health. Furthermore, cloud-based platforms allow for easy access to financial data from anywhere, enabling timely decision-making and proactive financial management.
    Transition ProcessTransitioning to cloud accounting may initially appear overwhelming, but with effective communication, training, and meticulous planning, the process becomes manageable. It's crucial to clearly define requirements and involve stakeholders from various departments to ensure their needs are addressed. Thorough planning is essential to anticipate potential challenges and minimize disruptions during the migration. Additionally, businesses should assess the impact on existing processes and workflows to identify areas for improvement. By taking these steps, businesses can optimize their transition to cloud accounting, maximizing its benefits while minimizing potential challenges and ensuring a smooth and successful implementation.
    ConclusionIn conclusion, Cloud accounting transforms financial management, offering myriad benefits for businesses. Embrace the cloud for enhanced efficiency and profitability. Cloud accounting revolutionizes financial management, offering unparalleled advantages for businesses. Explore further insights on the "I Hate Numbers" podcast and embark on your journey to optimized financial management. Hence, businesses can leverage cloud accounting to gain a competitive edge in today's dynamic business landscape.
    Join us on the "I Hate Numbers" podcast for expert insights and tips on optimizing your business finance management. Take the first step towards financial efficiency and success today.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy

    • 6 min
    Reasons to Ignore Cloud Accounting

    Reasons to Ignore Cloud Accounting

    In today's episode of the I Hate Numbers podcast, we're delving into five compelling reasons why we, as business owners, should consider ignoring cloud accounting. Stick with us until the end for valuable insights. First and foremost, let's clarify what cloud accounting entails.
    Understanding Cloud AccountingCloud accounting, also known as digital accounting, involves utilizing digital tools and software to efficiently manage financial records, transactions, and generate reports. It's like upgrading from traditional pen and paper methods to a turbocharged, super-efficient system.
    Reasons to Ignore Cloud Accounting1. Lack of Interest in Efficiency: If you're not keen on optimizing efficiency in your business operations, preferring outdated methods such as manual invoicing and email communications, then cloud accounting might not be for you.
    2. Disinterest in Financial Insight: For those unconcerned with gaining valuable insights into their business finances, including understanding revenue sources, profitability, and resource allocation, cloud accounting may seem unnecessary.
    3. Resistance to Making Good Business Decisions: Ignoring the data-driven insights provided by cloud accounting may lead to relying on instinct or unreliable advice from peers, rather than making informed decisions.
    4. Running Business as a Hobby: If you're content with treating your business as a hobby rather than a profit-driven endeavor, and you don't prioritize efficiency and financial management, then cloud accounting might not align with your approach.
    5. Resistance to Streamlining Operations: In today's fast-paced business environment, where efficiency is key to success, cloud accounting offers streamlined operations. However, if you prefer reactive approaches and are resistant to change, then cloud accounting may not be suitable for you.
    Additional Reasons to Ignore Cloud Accounting6. Preference for Traditional Record-Keeping: For those who prefer traditional methods such as filing cabinets and relying on external advisors for financial information, the accessibility and benefits of cloud accounting may not be appealing.
    7. Emphasis on Accessibility and Remote Work: Cloud accounting facilitates accessibility to financial data, especially for remote teams. However, if you prefer office-based work and traditional data access methods, then cloud accounting might not be a priority.
    ConclusionWhile cloud accounting offers numerous benefits for business efficiency and financial management, it may not be suitable for everyone. However, we encourage you to explore the possibilities further. Check out our free guide to cloud accounting.
    Don't forget to tune in and subscribe to the I Hate Numbers podcast for more on business and finance. Happy accounting!

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy

    • 6 min
    Overnight Success - The Seven Ingredients

    Overnight Success - The Seven Ingredients

    In this week's episode of the I Hate Numbers podcast, we're exploring the fascinating journey to success. What do Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Seuss, Michael Jordan, and other renowned figures have in common? Contrary to popular belief, their success wasn't an overnight phenomenon. It was the culmination of years of relentless effort, resilience, and a winning attitude.
    Understanding Success: Breaking the Myth of Overnight SuccessWe've all heard stories of individuals who seemingly skyrocketed to fame and fortune having overnight success. However, upon closer inspection, we realize that their success was anything but instant. My experience working with thousands of business owners has revealed a universal truth: success is a result of consistent hard work and dedication.
    The Reality Behind Overnight SuccessLet's debunk the myth of overnight success. Success doesn't happen overnight; it's a journey filled with ups and downs, failures, and lessons learned. Each setback is a stepping stone toward eventual success. Therefore, it's crucial to adopt a long-term perspective and understand that true success takes time to achieve.
    The Seven Key IngredientsBased on my observations and experiences, I've identified seven key ingredients that are essential for long-term success:
    Hard Work: Success requires relentless effort and determination.Perseverance: Despite challenges and setbacks, it's essential to keep pushing forward.Resilience: Bouncing back from failures and adversity is critical on the path to success.Continuous Learning: Embrace a growth mindset and never stop seeking knowledge and improvement.Positive Attitude: Maintaining a positive outlook fuels motivation and resilience during tough times.Adaptability: Success often requires adapting to changing circumstances and seizing opportunities.Purpose: Having a clear sense of purpose and passion drives sustained effort and commitment.
    Conclusion: Embracing the Journey to SuccessIn conclusion, success is not an overnight phenomenon but rather the result of years of hard work, determination, and resilience. By incorporating these seven key ingredients into our lives and endeavours, we can navigate the journey to success with confidence and purpose.
    Therefore, let's embrace the process, learn from our failures, and keep pushing forward. Remember, overnight success is a myth, but with the right ingredients, we can achieve our goals and fulfil our dreams.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy

    • 8 min
    Planning is good for your business

    Planning is good for your business

    In this episode, additionally, we delve into the importance of planning in business endeavours. As entrepreneurs, we're often enticed by spontaneity and agility, yet the question remains: is it truly viable to forgo meticulous planning? Let's explore the benefits of having a strategic roadmap and why it's paramount for sustainable success.
    The Benefits of PlanningGuidance and DirectionConsequently, a plan acts as our North Star, providing clear direction amidst entrepreneurial chaos. Without it, we risk wandering aimlessly, encountering unnecessary detours and hurdles along the way. Moreover, having a well-defined plan not only sets the course but also instils confidence and purpose in our actions.
    Risk ManagementMeanwhile, while risk is inevitable, planning empowers us to anticipate and mitigate potential pitfalls. It's akin to preparing for a journey; by foreseeing delays and roadblocks, we can strategize alternative routes to navigate challenges effectively. This proactive approach not only minimizes disruptions but also enhances our ability to seize opportunities as they arise.
    Clarity and FocusFurthermore, articulating our goals through planning fosters clarity and focus. It forces us to prioritize tasks and allocate resources efficiently, ensuring everyone is aligned toward a common objective. By outlining specific milestones and deadlines, we create a roadmap that keeps us on track and motivated to achieve success.
    FlexibilityHowever, contrary to popular belief, a plan isn't rigid—it's a living, breathing document that evolves with our business. Flexibility is key, enabling us to adapt to changing circumstances and seize emerging opportunities. By incorporating feedback and adjusting our strategies, we remain agile in an ever-evolving market landscape.
    Practical Aspects of PlanningFinancial PlanningSimilarly, effective cash flow forecasting and budgeting are essential components of planning. They enable us to make informed decisions, ensuring financial stability during lean periods and periods of abundance. By closely monitoring our finances and identifying potential cash flow gaps, we can proactively address challenges and sustain our operations.
    AccountabilityNonetheless, our plan serves as an accountability buddy, holding us responsible for actions and progress. It acts as a benchmark, keeping us disciplined and focused on achieving goals. Through regular reviews and updates, we stay accountable to ourselves and our stakeholders, driving continuous improvement and growth.
    ConclusionUltimately, planning is undeniably good for your business. It provides direction, reduces risk, and fosters accountability. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, investing time in strategic planning is crucial for long-term success. By embracing planning as a fundamental pillar of your business, you set the foundation for sustainable growth and prosperity.
    As we wrap up, remember that it's never too late to start planning. By charting out a business plan and setting clear goals, we pave the way for a bright and prosperous future. So, take the first step today and embark on the journey to success through strategic planning.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy

    • 8 min
    Have you paid too much tax? - Tax Tips

    Have you paid too much tax? - Tax Tips

    Have you paid too much tax? In this week's episode of the I Hate Numbers podcast, we explore the fundamental criteria shaping the UK tax system and why understanding it matters. We delve into the implications for individual taxpayers and businesses, shedding light on key tips to reclaim potentially overpaid taxes.
    Understanding the UK Tax SystemTwo main criteria underpin the UK tax system: Ignorance is no excuse, and it's your personal responsibility. These principles place a significant burden on taxpayers to comprehend the intricacies of tax laws and fulfill their obligations diligently. Nonetheless, navigating the labyrinth of tax rules and regulations can be daunting, especially for those without financial expertise.

    Impact on Taxpayers
    Millions of taxpayers may unknowingly overpay taxes due to a lack of awareness regarding available reliefs and allowances. Despite this, understanding the implications of tax rules is crucial for financial well-being. Navigating the tax landscape requires diligence and attention to detail, particularly for individuals and businesses alike.

    Tips for Maximizing Returns
    Tip 1: Checking Your Tax Code
    To ensure accuracy, it's crucial to verify your tax code. By rectifying any errors, you can potentially reclaim overpaid taxes dating back four years. Additionally, timely updates to HMRC regarding changes in circumstances are essential to avoid penalties. Furthermore, failing to make necessary adjustments could result in missed opportunities for tax savings.

    Tip 2: Utilizing Marriage Allowance
    Married couples or civil partners can transfer a portion of their personal allowance to reduce tax liabilities. Timely updates to HMRC regarding changes in circumstances are essential to avoid penalties. Moreover, failing to make necessary adjustments could result in missed opportunities for tax savings. Furthermore, seeking professional advice for complex matters is recommended to ensure compliance with tax laws.

    Tip 3: Optimizing Self-Employed Expenses
    Self-employed individuals can maximize tax returns by claiming legitimate business expenses such as home office costs and travel expenses. Reviewing and amending previous claims can lead to significant tax savings. Furthermore, seeking professional advice for complex matters is recommended to ensure compliance with tax laws. Additionally, maintaining accurate records of expenses is essential for tax purposes.

    Bonus Tip: Claiming Uniform Allowances
    Workers with required uniforms can benefit from flat-rate allowances for uniform-related expenses. This often-overlooked opportunity can result in substantial savings over time. Moreover, keeping detailed records of uniform-related expenses can facilitate the process of claiming allowances. Additionally, consulting with a tax professional can ensure that you maximize your entitlements.

    In conclusion, understanding the UK tax system empowers individuals to reclaim overpaid taxes and maximize returns. Regular tax health checks and seeking professional advice for complex matters are recommended to ensure financial well-being.

    Have you paid too much tax? Take control of your tax affairs and explore these practical tips to secure your financial future.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy

    • 12 min
    How do you describe your business

    How do you describe your business

    How do you describe your business in the business world? In this week's episode of the "I Hate Numbers" podcast, we tackle a topic often overlooked but with significant implications. You might wonder, "What's in the name?" Well, it turns out, quite a lot. Traditionally, we classify ourselves as freelancers, self-employed individuals, charities, private businesses, or voluntary organizations. This categorization profoundly influences self-perception, framing of interactions, and external perceptions of our value.
    Identity in BusinessRethinking Definitions: Contrary to popular belief, being a business isn't solely about size or structure. It's about the impact we make, the services we provide, and the risks we undertake. Size isn't the defining characteristic; it's the actions and engagements that matter. However, challenging misconceptions is necessary. Some believe that only large entities with extensive staff and resources deserve the title of "business." We disagree. Any entity that provides goods or services, takes risks, and contributes to the economy is a business, regardless of size or structure.

    Embracing Diversity
    It's time to broaden our definition of business to include freelancers, charities, voluntary organizations, and businesses of all shapes and sizes. Recognizing and appreciating the diverse contributions of various entities is crucial for a thriving society and economy. Incorporating Business Discipline: Embracing business disciplines like planning, budgeting, and risk management across all organizations is essential. Framing ourselves as businesses facilitates audience engagement by focusing on impact rather than structure.

    In conclusion, how we describe ourselves in business contexts matters. Emphasizing the impact we make rather than our organizational structure can lead to better recognition and engagement. So, how do you describe your business? Let's rethink our approach and reclaim the term "business" for all entities, irrespective of size or structure. We encourage your feedback and discussion on this topic. Share your thoughts with us!

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy

    • 9 min

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