host, music journalist

Jean-Jacques Van Vlasselaer

Last updated: September 3, 2019

Jean-Jacques Van Vlasselaer has a double career as an academic (Carleton University 1970-2011 and the University of Waterloo since 2011) and as a music critic and writer (Le Matin 1962-1968 ; Le Droit 1972- 2015). He has recorded as yet more than 80 podcasts for the NAC in three series : one on the history of the music directors of the NAC orchestra; one on the history of Canadian composers; and one ongoing on the great works of classical music. He has written more than 3500 articles on music at concerts and about 80 academic articles. He has introduced concerts for the NAC since 1973 and has given a great number of public lectures on classical music (especially  Mozart, Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Wagner, Bruckner)  and in particular on Mahler and on the rejected music between 1933 and 1953 and music in the concentration camps.

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