upcoming events

Check out information on the young adults meet & greet, our next women's event, and summer kids camp by clicking the circles below.

Welcome to the mission

In person + online | Sunday 9:15am & 11am

classes for ages 5 & under at 9:15am

ages 6 weeks through 5th grade at 11:00am

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Upcoming Sermon:

Craving Rest

It is an understatement to say that we live in a busy, fast-paced culture. We can shop, eat, and work at ANY hour of the day. Most of us live with constant access to the internet. We have the habit of frequently checking our phones- just to make sure we haven’t missed anything. It can really be hard to know when enough is enough. And as a result, we crave rest!And then we turn to our Bibles and we find a recurring theme of rest or šāḇaṯ. How does rest fit into our busy lives? Even more importantly, how can a Christian consistently experience the kind of rest Jesus spoke of in Matthew 11:28-30 despite our demanding schedules? Do we need to check out of life?Join us this Sunday May 26th at the Mission as we discover what the FIRST occurrence of rest teaches us about the rest that is ours in Jesus.

Please join us at either of our normal service times; 9:15am or 11:00am

Encounter | Equip | Engage

We hope that you don't just "go to church" but that you ENCOUNTER God in a powerful way, get EQUIPPED in your faith, to then go out and ENGAGE the world with the love of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.

stay connected, watch sermons, give, and more with church center

get the details here>>>>

Give to The Mission Church

Giving is a part of our worship to God. If you consider The Mission Church to be your church home, we hope that giving to it plays a part in your overall giving equation. The percentage or amount you decide to give to our church is between you and God.
