March/April, 2024

Dear Prayer Team,                                                                              March/April, 2024

Trip- Traveling around to visit our supporting churches and individuals during our time of furlough here in the USA has been enjoyable!!  We are currently finishing up a 30-day road-trip beginning in Iowa, going through Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and, the Lord willing, this coming Sunday evening, back to Iowa! All along the way, we have seen God guiding us and going before us. There have been so many blessings (and a few hard times thrown in, of course!), but one of the highlights was participating in the annual Missions Conference at Calvary Baptist Church in Mesa, AZ.  It was a joy to meet missionaries Dalmas and Florentyna Osoro, who are on deputation to serve the Lord in Puerto Rico.  We have also had the privilege of having Luke travel with us to help out with driving, and loading/unloading the van, among many other little jobs.  Some of you remember that he came to Brazil to serve alongside us as a short termer, and now he has a taste of what deputation/furlough is like.  His goal is to become a missionary someday. Pease pray for him as He seeks God’s perfect will in his life.  Also, be in prayer for us as we continue our travels, reporting and ministering.

Thankful-  It brought great joy to our hearts to hear of the salvation of Ronaldo, the husband of Lucia, a faithful member at the congregation in Guacuri. SP Brazil.  His name has been on our prayer list for quite some time.  It is such an encouragement when we see God working in hearts and saving souls.  Please continue in prayer for this ministry and our Brazilian co-workers, Uarlison and Grazi, as they serve the Lord faithfully.

Task-  Most of you know by now about the church plant the Lord has laid on our hearts for next term in the town of Iperó.  We have teamed up with fellow missionaries, Ben and Dani Jacobs..The 12 ft. x 27 ft. rented store-front building, has been outgrown. We are prayerfully awaiting city hall to sign our building permits and construction will begin.

Thank you for your continued faithful prayers and support! 

Sincerely in Christ,

John and Bev Leonard

Mission Address: Baptist Mid-Missions, 7749 Webster Rd. Cleveland, OH 44130

**Field Address: Avenida Dr. Guilherme Dumont Villares, 3333, Jd. Londrina,                                    

Apt. 74, Orion, 05640-004, São Paulo, SP, Brasil                   

** Website:

January/February, 2024

Dear Prayer Team,

Bev and I are back in the States celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary/Christmas/New Years with family, finishing up our last furlough (interrupted by the pandemic) and starting our next furlough by traveling around sharing and reporting to supporting churches and individuals.

We went to the doctor’s office for our required furlough check-ups and John,
who had not been feeling well, was sent to the hospital with pneumonia for four
days. He is now home gaining strength to travel and speak beginning on the
14th of January. How grateful we are that this is only the second hospital stay
since the assassination attempt 18 1/2 years ago.


Bev and I enjoy training Brazilians to carry on the work in our absence
(preaching, teaching, leading, and music). Three of the ones who we trained are
Luciano, Uarlison, and Vitória and it brings us great joy to see them happily serving the Lord!

The Iperó church land documents have been finalized, we are awaiting the
building permits from city hall. Many gifts have come in for the construction of
the building and we are looking forward to starting even before we return to
Thank you for your prayers and financial support as we joyfully carry the Gospel
of Christ to Brazil.

Missionaries John and Bev Leonard
Mission Address: Baptist Mid-Missions, 7749 Webster Rd. Cleveland, OH 44130
**Field Address: Avenida Dr. Guilherme Dumont Villares, 3333, Jd. Londrina,
Apt. 74, Orion, 05640-004, São Paulo, SP, Brasil    

USA ADDRESS-1201 SW Kenworthy Dr. Ankeny, IA 50023               
** Website:

Christmas, 2023

Dear Prayer Team,

And he said unto them, Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also: for therefore came I forth. Mark 1:38


This is the next town that God has led Bev and me to on our next church plant journey. Yes, we have teamed up with missionaries Ben and Dani Jacobs, and are excited about what the Lord has already done. The purchase and documentation of a very well-located property is being finalized. Church services have already been started in a small rented building nearby. It is exciting to see God at work!


As we graduate church plants, Bev and I teach them to carry on the great commandment to go and send. Thus, most churches here have set apart October and November as missionary conference months. It’s always a privilege to travel around and speak on one of our favorite themes—MISSIONS!


ll Corinthians 9:15 tells us about God’s unspeakable gift to mankind. Please join us in thanking Him for this gift and for the great desire He has given us to lead many to the King of Kings.


Here are some updated pictures of our family.

John and Bev

Josh and Lanara

Jerrod and Alyssa, Kenlee, Adrianna

Jonna and Tim, Lucas, Titus, Marcus

Jeanne, Andrew, Ezra, Alice

Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support! Have a blessed Christmas!

Missionaries John and Bev Leonard

Mission Address: Baptist Mid-Missions, 7749 Webster Rd. Cleveland, OH 44130 **Field Address: Avenida Dr. Guilherme Dumont Villares, 3333, Jd. Londrina, Apt. 74, Orion, 05640-004, São Paulo, SP, Brasil



September/October, 2023

Dear Prayer Team, Sept./Oct., 2023

“And in that day shall ye say, Praise the LORD, call upon his name,
declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted.”

Isaiah 12:4

Our trip to the Native Guarani village in Tapirai was a wonderful blessing! We experienced great opportunities to reach into the hearts and lives of
these dear people, who are deeply involved in spiritualistic and Satanic
rituals. We had good conversations with many including the chief and his
family, along with an old friend, Mr. Lightning. A devotional/Gospel
presentation, and distribution of coloring pictures (hand-drawn specifically
for Guarani children by our friend Robert!), were held in an open area. Our
time at the village was capped off with a competitive game of soccer with
the children and teens! Continue praying for this needy ministry, for
salvation of souls, and for lives to be changed.

Events and Visitation
Family camp was a time of spiritual renewal for believers and
the salvation of one young lady named Alana! Alana’s sister,
Sophia, is close to making a decision for Christ as well.
Our small congregation was well-represented at the Ladies’
retreat with the presence of fourteen ladies! We are thankful
for the way God worked in hearts through the singing and
ministry of the Word.
The Lord has also been using our outreach to first-time
church visitors. Maria, a 70-year-old lady, was recently
gloriously saved! Please pray for Maria, Alana, Sophia, and
all the lives impacted by recent events.

Our church bus has gotten a workout lately with all the happenings, besides the normal Sunday and Wednesday routes to transport our favela
children to and from church services. We want to thank those of you who
have sent special gifts to help keep our bus ministry going! What a
blessing it has been!

How can we thank you enough for your continued financial and prayer support? What a privilege it
is to be able to represent you here in Brazil and declare His doings among the people!

With grateful hearts,
Missionaries John and Bev Leonard

Mission Address: Baptist Mid-Missions, 7749 Webster Rd. Cleveland, OH 44130
**Field Address: Avenida Dr. Guilherme Dumont Villares, 3333, Jd. Londrina,
Apt. 74, Orion, 05640-004, São Paulo, SP, Brasil



July/August, 2023

Dear Prayer Team,                                                                                         


VBS did not disappoint!!  Five days of lively children’s songs, exciting Bible stories, fun but meaningful dramas, crazy games, snazzy prizes, and yummy snacks made for some memorable days at both New Life Baptist and the congregation. Average daily attendance was 130 children (not including workers) at NLB and 40 at the congregation. Most importantly, young lives (some who had never been to church) heard and responded to the Gospel. We are now doing the follow-up work.  What a joy to be able to reach out to these families and be well-received in the homes because of the impact of VBS!  Thank you for your prayers, and continued prayers for lasting results!


So thankful we were able to squeeze in a visit to a new Guarani village in July!  We had no idea how we would be received, but after a time of singing and prayer, the doors are open for our return. The family with whom we had the most contact accepted our gift Bible and even asked some great Bible questions!!  Please pray for Michael and Jessica and family.  Also, we are planning a trip to visit to Village # 4 on September 7th.  There are so many needs there, and we are asking God for more chances to present the clear plan of salvation.


It has been one year since the inauguration of the church in Zabele and things continue to move forward for the Lord’s glory.  Fifteen couples participated in an outdoor Sweetheart Banquet this past weekend!  Regular meetings are being held at a nearby preaching point.  What a joy to see a church so young with a great missionary vision!


How we praise the Lord for the way He has used our family for His glory this summer.  We try to talk to all of the grandkids weekly, and one week in July, all seven of them were at church camp accompanying their parents, who were busy serving God!  The Lord be praised! This season has also been filled with missions trips, youth get-togethers, and service projects. Please continue to pray for protection for our family, both physically and spiritually.   Some have asked about Josh’s health.  He continues having regular check-ups and so far, everything seems to be stable—a wonderful answer to prayer!  He enjoys singing in the worship group at Hope Baptist Church.

Josh (on right) singing at HOpe Baptist Church
Kenlee (8), Adrianna (10) (pictured with Mommy, Alyssa)
Cousins Alice- 4, Titus-4, and Marcus-7
Two peas in a pod…Ezra and Lucas, both 1 1/2 years old.

Your prayer and financial support are so greatly appreciated and are both being used by God to reach Brazil with the Gospel.  Thank you!

With grateful hearts,

Missionaries John and Bev Leonard

Mission Address: Baptist Mid-Missions, 7749 Webster Rd. Cleveland, OH 44130

**Field Address: Avenida Dr. Guilherme Dumont Villares, 3333, Jd. Londrina,                                            

                                Apt. 74, Orion, 05640-004, São Paulo, SP, Brasil                   

  **       Website:                                                                                                                                                                      

May/June, 2023 update

Dear Prayer Team,                                                                                                           


Easter Sunday was a great blessing both at New Life Baptist and at the congregation.  Our breakfast at the church was very well-attended and was followed up by an amazing children’s presentation. John’s resurrection sermon from Matthew 28:1-7 made an impact and several decisions were made.  Since Easter at the congregation, we have been seeing a good number of parents of the regularly attending children visiting our services.  Please continue to pray for more souls to be reached for Christ in these two church plants.


Thank you for your prayers for the handicapped event held for those with special needs and also their caregivers.  We saw the Lord work in a mighty way.  So many opportunities to be used in giving counsel and advice, sharing our hearts, and most of all, sharing the Gospel.  One caregiver, Marizete, made a salvation decision!!


The baptismal service of three Guarani was one of the highlights of these past two months.  We took our small battery-operated keyboard to help out with the singing right there near the baptismal tank in the forest.  One of the men of the church also brought his guitar and sang some special music.  After a brief devotional and explanation of salvation/baptism, it thrilled our hearts to see three young people ages 14, 16, and 18 take this important step of obedience.  Two of them, Julio and Raquel, were some of the very first children to make salvation decisions at the beginning of our ministry in Village #1.  We then handed out baptismal certificates, gathered around to pray for the candidates, and have a time of fellowship with a picnic meal.  We praise the Lord for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the Guarani.   Rejoicing that yet another new village has opened its doors to have regular meetings.


Vacation Bible School is coming right up!  Remember that it is “winter” here, and VBS is always during the month-long winter break from school in July.  Leading up to this, we have one month of Good News Clubs on Saturday afternoons in the homes of children who live not far from the church/congregation.  It is such a fun time of the year, and also very profitable for the ministry!  Just this past Sunday we heard the testimony of a pastor who accepted Christ as Savior as a child during VBS. Please pray for lasting, strong, salvation decisions to be made, and that families will be reached with the Gospel.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support which enable us to continue making a difference in the lives of Brazilians.

With grateful hearts,

Missionaries John and Bev Leonard

Mission Address: Baptist Mid-Missions, 7749 Webster Rd. Cleveland, OH 44130

**Field Address: Avenida Dr. Guilherme Dumont Villares, 3333, Jd. Londrina,                                            

 Apt. 74, Orion, 05640-004, São Paulo, SP, Brasil                   


March-April, 2023

Dear Prayer Team,                                                                               

What a great day we had yesterday at New Life Baptist!  Four were baptized, and the auditorium was full!  We first began ministering at the church in December of 2020, which was during the time of strict COVID restrictions. “In-person” attendance was down.  It is now a rare Sunday that we have less than 80 and today we had 86!  One individual made a decision for salvation.  It is such a blessing to see God at work!

Betty and her husband, Antonio, are a sweet middle-aged couple who were baptized yesterday along with two other teen girls, Emanuela and Sara. Pray for spiritual growth in each one of their lives

At the congregation in Guacuri, we have been dealing with some issues which have slowed things down a bit, but God has been faithful.  John preached last Sunday night to a good group of people.  Two new couples were there for the first time, so we are encouraged.  Please continue to pray that this work will grow and prosper.

John preaching at our congregation last Sunday night.

As we mentioned in our last letter, we are thankful that the Guarani ministry in Village #2 has been reopened.  The natives there continue to allow visits, even though no regular meetings are being held right now. There is a possibility that another village may have an open door, so keep praying for this needy ministry to the Guarani.

An important gathering with the handicapped and caregivers is coming up on April 29th.  John has been invited to be the speaker to a large group that has an interest in starting a special needs ministry in their church.  We have been told that over half of those who will be in attendance will be unsaved.  What a great opportunity to give the Gospel!

Bev peeling potatoes at our recent special needs camp. The two ladies at the far end (mother,Marilene, and daughter, Leticia) are both totally blind, but could almost “out-peel” Bev! Amazing!

The doctors recently discovered that our son, Josh’s benign brain tumor had shown some fairly significant growth, and asked that three different types of MRIs be done in March.  The results are in, and there has been “no change” in any of the exams!!! Please praise the Lord with us for this great answer to prayer and also continue praying.

During this season of “March Madness,” we have been thinking about our very own Support Team, which out-matches all of the other teams combined!!  Thank you, dear ones. Your faithful prayers and giving mean so much.  God is good!

With grateful hearts,

Missionaries John and Bev Leonard

Mission Address: Baptist Mid-Missions, 7749 Webster Rd. Cleveland, OH 44130

**Field Address: Avenida Dr. Guilherme Dumont Villares, 3333, Jd. Londrina,                                            

                                Apt. 74, Orion, 05640-004, São Paulo, SP, Brasil                   

  **       Website:           

January/February, 2023

Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.”  Col. 4:5

CONGREGATION– For over 30 years, bus stop evangelism has been a favorite fruitful part of our ministry.  As in past inner-city church plants, there are bus stops near our tent church.  As people wait for the bus, Bev and I witness.  Busses have their own lane and usually arrive faster than autos.  What a joy it will be in glory meeting those who were reached at the bus stop!

CLAUDIO– Drug and alcohol addiction is prevalent in São Paulo.  Claudio (an addict) accepted Christ as His Savior and is now in a rehab center for nine months.  Last Monday, Bev and I went to the center to encourage him and had an impromptu open-air meeting before leaving.  Thank you for your prayers for Claudio as he finishes his rehab, and becomes a vital part of the tent church.

Claudio was SOO happy to see John!!
John giving an impromtu challenge to the men at the rehab center.

CAMPIt is summer vacation and 86 degrees. Time to go to camp! After many months of praying and planning, our special needs camp became a reality. “Jesus said ‘I am’” was a favorite theme for the 70 handicapped and caregivers. Please pray as follow-up is done on the salvation and dedication decisions made at this tiring but fruitful time.

The beautiful campgrounds!
Time for breakfast!!
Camp meeting
Lovely and fragrant flowers on a tree at camp!

CLOSING– Thank you for your faithful fervent prayers and sacrificial giving!

With grateful hearts,

Missionaries John and Bev Leonard

Mission Address: Baptist Mid-Missions, 7749 Webster Rd. Cleveland, OH 44130

**Field Address: Avenida Dr. Guilherme Dumont Villares, 3333, Jd. Londrina,        

                                Apt. 74, Orion, 05640-004, São Paulo, SP, Brasil                   

Christmas, 2022

“Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.” II Cor. 9:15

What a privilege it has been to continue proclaiming the Gospel
and discipling new believers here in Brazil in 2022!

2022 Ministry blessings
-Salvation of William, Guilherme, Elisangela, Marileide, Fransisco, and Daniel.
-Provision of a new tent with a five-year guarantee at the congregation.
-Inauguration of a new church in Ceará.

Recent blessings
-Salvation of PAULA through one of our handicapped ministry events!
-The Guarani Village #2 is now REOPENED! It had been closed to ministry because
of internal unrest, but now weekly meetings are being held.
-The EXPANSION/REMODELING PROJECT at New Life Baptist is underway!! We are
excited to see how it looks when finished!

Family blessings
What a blessing to see our family growing and serving God! Lucas (Jonna’s and
Tim’s son) and Ezra (Jeanne’s and Andrew’s son) are our new additions and have
brought so much joy! Here are a few 2022 pictures! Enjoy!

Josh and Lanara

Alyssa, Kenlee, Adrianna, Jerrod
Titus, Tim, Jonna, Marcus, Lucas
Ezra, Andrew, Alice, Jeanne
Bev and John

As 2022 wraps up, we are so thankful to God for His Unspeakable Gift! We also cannot be more grateful for your
prayers and sacrificial giving which allow us to continue to make an impact for Christ here in Brazil.

Merry Christmas!
John and Bev Leonard

Mission Address: Baptist Mid-Missions, 7749 Webster Rd. Cleveland, OH 44130

**Field Address: Avenida Dr. Guilherme Dumont Villares, 3333 , Jd. Londrina,
Apt. 74, Orion, 05640-004, São Paulo, SP, Brasil

** Website:

September/October, 2022

Dear Prayer Team,
“For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”
1 Corinthians 3:11

In August, we went to visit John’s sister and brother-in-law who retired to
Zabelé, a remote mountain village. In a previous visit, we invited neighbors
over and had a wonderful church service. The next day Bev, and I
encouraged them to start a church. By reading previous letters, you will see
that they have been holding services on that same porch while constructing
a church building. Souls have been saved and we joyfully inaugurated
Zabelé Baptist Church. Blessings included preaching opportunities, a baby
presentation, a baptismal service and most importantly, the salvation of a
mom, Marileide, dad, Francisco and teen son, Daniel. They live four
miles away on a rough mountain trail. Pedro and Rachel went to their
home to start a weekly discipleship class. When they arrived, they found 15
people waiting. Marileide and Francisco had called neighbors and at that
simple mud hut a preaching point was started. Marileide has asked Rachel
to teach her to read and write, because she wants to read God’s Word.
Rachel says that she is a very dedicated student. Your faithful prayers and
giving has allowed all of this to happen. Rejoice with us and may our God
richly bless you.

John speaking at Zabelé
Back of Zabelé Baptist Church
Marileide, Francisco and Daniel accepting Christ as Savior!
Baby Dedication
The new Baptistry…they made it under the platform and it turned out very nice!
Baptismal service
Bible study at Francisco and Marileide´s house that is now a preaching point!
Fifteen people showed up to study the Bible!
Marileide learning to read. She has already learned to sign her name and read simple words.
John’s Sister, Rachel, is teaching Marileide to read, because she says she wants to read the Bible.

We spent four days in Zabelé. On day two, Pedro mentioned that a quarter
mile away there is a drug rehab center (he knows the burden we have for
addicts). Bev and I went there and were allowed to share the Gospel with
31 men. We went again the next day. Some of the men made professions
of faith. Pedro has scheduled weekly evangelism and
discipleship meetings. On our way home from the rehab center, Pedro
stated, “Seems like I’m busier now that I’m retired.” What a blessing!
Please do pray for Pedro and Rachel as they joyfully continue the work.
The other ministries are going along great. We will write more in the next
prayer letter. Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and giving.

John with the guys from the rehab center. Not all of them wanted to get in the picture.

Missionaries John and Bev Leonard

Mission Address: Baptist Mid-Missions, 7749 Webster Rd. Cleveland, OH 44130
**Field Address: Avenida Dr. Guilherme Dumont Villares, 3333, Jd. Londrina,
Apt. 74, Orion, 05640-004, São Paulo, SP, Brasil                   
** Website: