• darkblurbg
    Partnerships with patients and families
    to design new therapies
  • darkblurbg
    Partnership with clinicians
    to develop new disease models
  • darkblurbg
    Partnership with researchers
    to study and understand brain disorders

iPS Center - Expertise center for patient-derived nerve cells

The iPS center connects state-of-the art scientific technologies to serve basic and translational research with the goal to improve current and to develop new treatment options for a variety of brain disorders. To serve our purpose we connect with patients’ organizations which support scientific research. We also provide expertise to scientists to improve their studies of brain disorders.
Partnerships with patients and families have been essential in developing our research lines.

The center should also serve as mediator between research institutes, patients’ organizations, and/or healthcare industry companies. We aim at the realization of new partnerships and seek further participation of patients with brain disorders which have our current interest.

Our research activities are all approved by the relevant medical ethic committee.