All Wales Lookup Exchange

  All Wales

Welcome to the new look Welsh Lookup Exchange pages. Although designed to cater for all Wales, there is at present no Lookup Exchange for the counties of North Wales (Anglesey, Caernarvonshire, Denbighshire and Flintshire). The Monmouthshire pages are also listed for completeness, though are hosted separately.

This database contains a list of reference works/books which volunteers are willing to search for specific entries. Despite its name you aren't required to 'exchange' anything and it's free. To ask for a look-up, please click on the volunteer's name next to the item. Requests should be specific: give as much detail as you can. Abuses of the kindness of volunteers may cause them to withdraw their names so please don't ask for all references to a common name, or for time-consuming research. If there are two volunteers against any item then only one should be approached at a time.

The All-Wales pages are somewhat different to those of the counties as there are no parish records, census records etc, and all the sources are books or directories.


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This page has been visited times since 6 December 2007