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Call for the AII technician and work visit grant

AII Technician Grant
WHAT: A budget of 5.000 euro
WHO: Technicians working at research groups that are part of the Amsterdam institute for Infection & Immunity (AII registered PI and technician).
AIM: To stimulate technicians to visit a research facility elsewhere to learn/acquire new techniques/skills/knowledge, valuable to the research within AII.
DEADLINE: May 1, 2023  

More information. 
AII Work Visit Grant
WHAT: A budget of 5.000 euro
WHO: PhD students in their 2nd, 3rd or 4th year and postdocs in the first 3 years after obtaining their PhD-degree.
AIM: To stimulate young talent to visit a research facility to actively build their CV and network while also obtaining new knowledge valuable to AII.
DEADLINE: May 1, 2023  

More information. 


Date: 22 June 2023
Time: 13.00 - 20.00 hrs
Location: Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam, Oosterdok
More information will follow soon. 

Table of contents

AII Prizes, Grants and Appointments
PhD defence ceremonies
Upcoming events, courses and webinars
Call for PhD Scholarships
The Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding) has announced on December 20th an investment of € 49.7 million in cancer research. Two million of this budget will go to 3 research projects at the Amsterdam institute for Infection and Immunity.
Rembrandt Grant worth 250,000 euros for Annette Neele (Amsterdam UMC) and Sander Kooijman (Leiden UMC). This Grant aims to stimulate the collaboration between researchers from Amsterdam UMC and Leiden UMC by covering a position for a PhD student who will be working at both sides.
Tiago Matos, dermatologist and research fellow in the department of dermatology at Amsterdam UMC, has gained academic recognition by becoming a member of the Amsterdam Young Academy (AYA).
As of January 1st, 2023, the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam made Open Access publishing the norm. The new policy means that scientific publications by VU-authors must be made Open Access under an open license.
2022 counted a series of breakthroughs with regards to malaria vaccine development. Martin Grobusch, Professor of tropical and travel medicine, shares his view about where we stand today in malaria vaccine development.
The new Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School central registration system for new PhD candidates is live! As of 20 January 2023, the Doctoral School central registration system for our more than 3150 Amsterdam UMC (medicine) PhD students has been put into use.
Uitgedokterd: illustrative podcast by BNR about 40 years of hiv in the Netherlands, in this podcast Amsterdam institute for Infection and Immunity researchers Marc van der Valk and Peter Reiss guide you through the world of hiv.
It is increasingly common for antibiotics to fail against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Professor Constance Schultsz, physician microbiologist at Amsterdam UMC, researches antimicrobial resistance and emerging infectious diseases: "There are ICUs outside the Netherlands where bacteria are even untreatable."
Dr. Susanne Vijverberg, Principal Investigator of the PERMEABLE Consortium: “Our ultimate goal is to develop precision medicine strategies to improve the treatment of severe allergic diseases in children.”
Half of the Dutch population is unknowingly infected with the cytomegalovirus (CMV), a virus that can infect the unborn child if pregnant women contract an infection or have a flare-up. Dasja Pajkrt, Professor of viral pediatric infectious diseases at Amsterdam UMC (AUMC) shares her view on screening, treatment, and vaccination.
From byte to bedside: decision support software AutoKinetics, developed entirely within Amsterdam UMC, advises healthcare professionals about the optimal antibiotic dosage of ICU patients.

PhD defence ceremonies

Hannah Walter, Optimizing the diagnostic strategy and follow-up in | treatable idiopathic inflammatory myopathies, February 9th, 13.00 hrs, Agnietenkapel, Universiteit van Amsterdam. 
Willemijn de Rooij, Eosinophilic esophagitis |New insights into an emerging disease, February 10th, 13.00 hrs, Agnietenkapel, Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Lucas Fleuren, The Data Driven Intensive Care Unit, February 16th, 11.45 hrs, Aula, Vrije Universiteit. 
Matthijs Bolmers, Efficiency and efficacy in the treatment of appendicitis, February 22nd, 13.00 hrs, Agnietenkapel, Universiteit van Amsterdam. 
Jos Trentelman, Anti-tick and Borrelia-targeted vaccines | Target discovery and vaccine platforms, February 23rd, 13.00 hrs, Agnietenkapel, Universiteit van Amsterdam. 
Tineke de Jong, Premature aging of the stromal microenvironment in rheumatoid arthritis | Towards prevention of disease by targeting cellular aging, March 17th, 13.00 hrs, Agnietenkapel, Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Sara Faria Fernandes Pereira Dias, Sex and gender differences in bacterial meningitis, March 29th, 16.00 hrs, Agnietenkapel (Universiteit van Amsterdam). 
Job van Bragt, Optimizing treatment for airways diseases | Using exhaled biomarkers and real world data, March 20th, 10.00 hrs, Agnietenkapel, Universiteit van Amsterdam. 

Upcoming events, courses and webinars

Sanquin lecture - Prof. James Di Santo, Understanding Determinants of Human Mucosal Immunity: One swab at a time…, February 2nd 2023,16.00 - 17.00 hrs, Auditorium (Plesmanlaan 125, 1066 CX Amsterdam) or online

Seminar Dr. Nelson Gekara: DNA sensors in immune priming, PhD Advanced Immunology course: The role of DNA sensors in immune priming and DNA damage response, February 3rd, 13.00 - 14.00 hrs, Auditorium O2 building Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, use this link to join the course.

Seminar Dr. Carolyn G King: CD4 T Cells in the lung, PhD Advanced Immunology course: CD4 T Cells Sans Frontières: division of labor in the lung, February 7th, 13.00 - 14.00 hrs, Auditorium O2 building Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, use this link to join the course.

Writing a Data Management Plan, February 13th, 09.00 - 12.00 hrs, Zoom, free of charge with certificate, rgistration or information through, registration deadline: 5 Feb 2023. 

Sanquin Lecture - Carmen Gerlach, Connecting human and murine T cell diversification, February 14th, 13.00 - 14.00 hrs, Auditorium (Plesmanlaan 125, 1066 CX Amsterdam) or online

Public-private partnerships: a public pas-de-deux, debate about the AUMC policy concerning ancillary activities, and experiences of AUMC employees and their contact with media on ancillary activities and collaboration with private partners, target audience: Amsterdam UMC Principal Investigators, department heads, division heads and directors of operations, February 14th 2023, 15.30 - 18.00 hrs, Lecture hall 5, location AMC. 

ARCAID Fellows Research Symposium, Clinical & lab research related to AutoImmune Diseases, Immunology and Rheumatology, February 22nd 2023, 09.00 - 18.00 hrs, O2 Building, de Boelelaan 1108, 1081 HZ Amsterdam. 

ImmunoMetNet Amsterdam UMC Symposium, an ImmunoMetabolism symposium building a Network between immunology and metabolism research and medicine, February 28th 2023, 16.00 - 18.00 hrs, Amsterdam UMC, location AMC, Vrijzaal, Voetenplein, register here

Dutch Society for Immunology Spring Symposium, New Horizons in Immunology, March 23rd until 24th 2023, van der Valk Hotel Tiel, register here (early-bird registration ends 16 February 2023).

10th Bertine Koperberg Conference, Molecular Fingerprinting of auto-immune disease: from environment to cell, April 13th until 15th 2023, Hotel Zuiderduin, Zeeweg 52 1931 VL Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, registration fee 125 euros register here

ImmunoMetNet Amsterdam UMC symposium at AMC, an ImmunoMetabolism symposium building a Network between immunology and metabolism research and medicine, April 25th, 16.00 - 18.00 hrs, Amsterdam UMC, location AMC. 

Inaugural lecture Prof. dr. Sander Tas, June 15th 2023, 16.30 hrs. 

Call for PhD Scholarship

In 2023, six Amsterdam UMC PhD Scholarships will be awarded to excellent students in Medicine, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Sciences or Social Sciences. The Amsterdam PhD scholarships are financed from core government funding. The amount of the scholarship (216k) covers most of the costs of a four-year appointment as Research Trainee (Onderzoeker in Opleiding) at the Amsterdam UMC. Interested? For more information: check the Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School website

Deadline for application: 14 April 2023.

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